urb / doconf / 2015


Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central-Eastern Europe
9 October 2015, Budapest, Hungary
8:45 – 18:30
venue: 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, 2nd floor, 10

mass housing / session1 / 9:30 – 11:15

Publications / epiteszforum.hu / 2015
ÖSSZENÉZVE/1 – a háború utáni építészet
ÖSSZENÉZVE/2 – szabadidős területek
ÖSSZENÉZVE/3 – a háború utáni ipari örökség

Chair: David Tichý, PhD architect, teacher, researcher / Faculty of Architecture / Technical University in Prague / Cz

Damian Poklewski-Koziełł / architect, PhD student / Faculty of Architecture, CUT Krakow /Pl
The Illusion of Better Living: Comparative Analysis of Prefab Housing Estates from the 60s with the Contemporary Realisations in Krakow

Filip Tittl, architect / PhD student, teacher / Faculty of Architecture, CTU Prague /Cz
Legibility of Urban Environment as a Key Aspect of Housing Estates Regeneration

Renata Margaretić Urlić / architectural historian, PhD student / Art History Department, University of Zagreb /Cr
Socialist Self-Management City: from Utopia to Dystopia and Backwards

Peter Horák & Pavlina Kolcunova / architects-planners, PhD students / Faculty of Architecture, STU Bratislava /Sk
Comparison of Post-War Spatial Planning and Realised Construction in Bratislava

Tiberiu Ciolacu / architect- planner, PhD candidate, teacher / Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, TU Cluj /Ro
Urban Planning in Romania under the Effect of Systematization